Old arch linux install trouble with netctl profile loading/updating

i currently have an major issue with my nas not loading a network profile.
the issue is the network device renamed itself from enp8s0 to enp9s0.
but the system still tries to load enps8s0 which will fail.

so i tried to fix this by updating the netctl profile from:




followed by netctl restart inetplz
which will fail with “Dependency missing”.
so i just created inetplz2 which is bit identically with inetplz
and typed in netctl start inetplz2
and it works so there is clearly nothing missing.

so the next step was netctl stop inetplz
and be done with the issue but nope.
reboot and it tries to use enp8s0
so i guess the systemd doesn’t care about the netctl stop inetplz and also ignores the start.

i guess the device got renamed by updating the bios.
i added a nvme disk and the system doesn’t post with it so i updated the bios fixing the post issue and breaking my network in the process.

on the currently working system i checked systemctl --type=service which only returned inetplz2 as it should be.

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@Huhn_Morehuhn which linux distro are you using?

arch from ~2020 kernel is 5.4.20-1-lts

edit: found the issue.
i used the wrong restart which does not change the systemd stuff. i needed to used reenable to point at the “new” adapter.

why the error is dependency missing or why the name of the network adapter changes is beyond me but i guess this is not worth figuring out. i should just use a setting that automatically uses all available adapter so if it changes yet again it will just use the new name and i will not even notice.

@Huhn_Morehuhn Sorry I am not fammilar with Arch, so I don’t have any idea what your issue could be.