Well, if you don’t I’ve literally posted a dozen plus PC build threads since like 2012/2013. Back when this was still you know what and you know who were still speaking.
Anyway. THIS YEAR is actually different. I am studiously saving up money for my birthday, on which day, I will make a parts list and order it.
So far, my plan is to replace my current on life support crapbox with a simple R5 2400g ITX rig and go from there. I want to pair that with a single 16gb stick of ram, a nice air cooler, chuck it in a Bitfenix Prodigy case, add a modular PSU and try to have the color scheme matching as a plus.
My idea would be to run it like that so I have SOMETHING, then throw a real GPU at it down the road and maybe some more ram. I’m pretty set on this, but I WOULD like some conversation on the merits vs downsides to it.
My main thing is that my current 8-year old modded storebought, is, as I said, on it’s last legs. I’ve gotten it stable in lower end games by cleaning it, lubing the GPU fan, and applying fresh thermal paste, but it still black-screened when I tried to play Fortnite. I’m tired of it and I need and want something new NOW. Hell, I can just about buy the 2400g setup tomorrow if my paycheck is good.
A couple of things to iron out, though. In the end, I want to be able to do 1440p high preset gaming with a synchronized framerate, preferably at a high refresh rate (75hz-100hz plus), possibly in ultrawide format.
Right now, I’ll stick with my 1440x900 19" 75hz monitor out of poverty, but that IS where I want to end up.
So I’ll need a GPU suggestion for the future, as well as if I should stick with 16gb and divide it into two sticks (2 channel is faster???) or have the single 16gb, dealing with the slight neg but with the remaining slot open for an upgrade down the line.
Lastly, I was told last time around that some things will only install and run on the boot drive. My idea is to have an ultra small NVME boot drive so windows and the process being sent out to access everything is super fast. Then a mid size(500gb-1tb) ssd, and a big (2tb-4tb) hard drive.
I really kinda don’t want more than two full size drives in my rig (partly because the prodigy will only fit that many with the cages removed for the GPU to have more room), but, if this statement was true, then it looks like I’ll be starting off with a 1tb SSD, and possibly adding another. (Also heard that windows only accepts 2tb drives or lower and there might be a problem with a larger than 2tb drive, especially as a boot drive)
Anyway, yeah, this was kinda rambled together because I have a million other things on my mind and am about to head out to the gym. I guess I’ll close by saying that this is going to be a general use/media/gaming pc that has a moderate chance of game capture and video editing for youtube and a very slight chance of streaming. My ‘starting point’ budget for the base 2400g setup will be $500-$750. I will be overclocking. And, as I’ve said, I do have a goal of where I want to be ‘end game’ with the full GPU and all that.
So let’s see what this topic nets and if I can somehow change this site’s UI to quit making my eyes freak out and fuzz my mind. Lol.
TL;DR: Haven’t gamed since 2013. Need a new PC now because my 8-year-old one just won’t do it without black screening even after cleaning, lubing, and pasting(and tape mod overclocking). Broke AF, so going with an APU for now. The end goal will be high refresh HDR 1440p, possibly ultrawide, high graphics preset gaming in modern games, as well as media, browsing, and slight-possibly editing/rendering/streaming. I want an ITX build that can house a full size GPU and is ‘future proof’.
EDIT: Almost forgot. Have to meet the thread requirements. I live in Florida of the USA, I prefer Amazon, but will take the best deal as long as the shipping isn’t more than a week, I need headphones, but will worry about that later in a reply since I have to go to the gym, I DO need a copy of windows, and I will NOT be water cooling, f*ck it.