OK Nvidia Control Panel........ you fail

Object... get two monitors to work in sync to display a wallpaper across two screens properly amidst two different resolutions, while letting me control which screen is the "main display" for gaming and other purposes... (I might even submit to running the 1440p 27" on 1080p because it bothers me so much, but even if I did, in Nvidia surround, I'd have to game on my 24" 1080p monitor that's sitting to the left of my main view focus because I have one hooked up with display port which defaults to secondary for some absurd reason and one with HDMI) I could likely buy a Duel DVI cable, but I'd prefer to not...

Problem... when I do the configuration in Windows Screen Resolution or with extended display on the Nvidia control panel, It refuses to recognize the main screen is on the right of the extended screen for wallpaper purposes. I can move my mouse seamlessly across them, but the dual-screen wallpaper always starts at the main screen and rolls over to the side-screen that isn't on the right side of the main monitor... it's a small problem but it's pissing me off... 

Obvious Question: Why not just change your configuration and move the monitor to the right side?

Answer to Obvious Question: BECAUSE I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO! .... That and the lamp puts a huge glare on the TV on the other side of my desk...

Click my profile for a detailed setup... 

I'd love to see something in setup that I overlooked for a GTX 780, but I'm fairly certain I've explored all options... does anybody use a software that fixes my rather stupid problem?

Anyways... <RANT> it's absolutely ridiculous Nvidia doesn't have an option for this built into the Control Panel</END RANT>

This is why I traded a 690 for a 290X...

Anyway, I've used DisplayFusion for these things before (pairing a 1920x1080 with a 1680x1050, in my case) because you can set the background to any configuration you like with a little tweaking. It's been long enough since I used it that I can't really give you any advice on how to set everything up, but I can tell you it does give you some more options for pairing odd-size screens together.

Nvidia has been Notoriously bad when it comes to any type of Multi-Monitor Configuration Settings, or Just Multi-Monitor gaming in General. and this has been a known issue for a while. you notice how AMD during each Graphics Card Release they always show you, "Hey look what our Flag-ship Card could do with 3 Monitors" and Nvidia is quite the Opposite, During most Graphics Card Launches they just show you how things work with one monitor. also to prove this point, Nvidia has been Stingy with the VRAM count like always. Now they aren't cause of the Jump to 4K but prior to that they were always Stingy. unlike AMD who's always given you more than you need against the competition. (examples being the GTX 680 2GB versus the 7970 3GB, the GTX 780 3GB versus the R9-290x 4GB) Nvidia has shown they don't really care for Multi-Monitor Configurations cause there still continues to be issues.

Just for Future Reference though if you wish to continue any multi-monitor configurations in the Future, then Stick with AMD, they ACTUALLY Work with these types of setups unlike Nvidia and there are issues they are fixed with each driver release.

This isn't actually a big bash on Nvidia cards... it's just a stupid specific thing that Nvidia control panel fails at... as far as ggraphics cards go... I'll take my EVGA 780 Classified over 95% of the market... but on this one very specific issue... ughh... WHY? .... so stupid

Absolutely. The cards are totally capable of multi-display setups, you just have to use a third party system to get them to do it most of the time. If nVidia put some more effort into it they could push AMD out of the "massive multi-panel" market.

That said, most high-end nVidia cards are still only providing 5 outputs at best, two of which are DVI. Not really set for greatness when it comes to handling three+ monitors. Seeing the 3 mini-DP on the reference GTX 980 was a nice breath of fresh air, I have to admit.