I wish to become a programmer. I have in mind some game ideas, nothing too crazy. Probably some Android or IOS games.
I wish to become a programmer. I have in mind some game ideas, nothing too crazy. Probably some Android or IOS games.
Choose and learn a programming language. Take a look at this thread: https://teksyndicate.com/forum/code/programming-super-thread/142214
I spent my entire summer break looking for something like this. Thank you, so much
Somtimes I do the challenges here as exercises: https://www.reddit.com/r/dailyprogrammer/. It keeps me fresh and it's good practice.
simply look online and read books
Chose a language and make small projects even if they seem dumb (and simple) like make a calculator and you should imo code to learn and don't spend more time reeding then coding.
I'm going to start sounding like I'm banging a Unity drum around this forum but it sounds like the tool you want.
You dont need to learn to programming for that. All you need is modeling skills and engine. Programming is different matter. I programmed my first program with pen and paper. And yes, debugging was bit annoying.
While you learn you have to practice and implement what you learn or it will be difficult to remember and know how to use. You can't expect to read a book and create a game. Baby steps are necessary.
This. In my opinion you learn more by doing it than reading about it. Also check out https://www.thenewboston.com/videos.php
This is what I am currently using to learn. Bucky is a great teacher.
Made a calculator guessing game when I was drunk once. I had seen a suggestion to mix up simple things so I made a decent calculator and you had to guess what it did to the equasion, that one learned me some things. Then again I got a lot of old practice programs like that.