I don't know how many people have played with wayland, but I had an odd experience returning to Netrunner Rolling, an OS with a nice UI and, in Rolling, a good arch core. I'm sure we all know the meme by now "Hurr wayland isn't done this year, lets wait for the failure reports next year"
It works
It works beautifully in fact and I am going to pin a lot of driver faults in the AMD drivers to the fact that xorg has so much useless fucking shit that NO ONE IS GOING TO USE (I mean seriously who is going to get a pent 2 with an ati MACH64 PRO and use raytrace 3d?!) that it stuffs up the processing.
"Berr bahhh behhh burr werrs mah ervidence" Well for one I can play CS:GO at a not ass framerate (and so far for the last week I haven't really needed windows because I can play things now) and going from 45 ish to 125-160 I can tell anyone right now that this is a game changer.
Now if you look at how Netrunner has it set up there are still some Xorg elements in the OS. Whether those are just general GPU packages or not I have no clue but guys, seriously, the brush is worn down for xorg and we are just beating ourselves with a stick.
I feel like if Canonical would knock it off Unity might be worth it. For netrunner KDE is WAY more snappy. I despise KDE on any other system than netrunner because the devs understand that menus are not the only thing. If you want menus theres AMIWM for that, but NR gets it down. For once, I am absolutely comfortable with everything in my distro.
Wayland has been an option for me in Fedora 23 it works really well, its missing support for a few things yet so won't be default in f24 don't think, but looks to be by the end of this year.
Once that happens expect to see wide spread adoption.
I've been using Gnome with Wayland on Debian testing for a while. It indeed works very well. There was no video tearing out of the box which is pretty rare for me in Linux.
I'm going to have to figure out how to adopt my workflow to Gnome then. I've been using Cinnamon because I'm familiar with the traditional DE style. Here's hoping I can get it working on arch tonight. If not, I may make a new subvol for Fedora and try it out.