Offline game recommendation

Looking for an offline game recommendation that i could buy in a form of a physical CD to install from. Yes, i know no one uses CD to install, but my internet connection is 8kb/s (don't ask why). Also, the game can't be too hardware demanding, because i have a crap laptop.


CPU: Intel Core i3-3217U 1.80 GHZ
RAM: 4 GB of 800 mhz
GPU: Intergrated crap Intel HD Graphic 4000


Also, Please don't brag about how better is your system compare to mine, or how fast your internet is 

Try to get the Half-Life games (all of them, dont skip the first one, just buy the source version cause it has less bugs). And Portal 2, in this case the first one is not a must as it is very similar to the second one, you'll just miss out on the story. They'll run just fine on your pc as they're older games.

These are probably some of the best games i've ever played.

You'll probably have to buy the installation discs online but it shouldn't be very hard.


How much are they? And they don't require internet connection to play right


You can buy the Mass Effect series but I believe you need Origin to play them.

None of them require internet connection. Shouldn't be very expensive on ebay.

If you have the oportunity to go on a LanHouse near you, you could download Half Life 1 (Source) as it is +/- 300 MB.

There are lots of older titles that you can buy that are completely offline. 90% of the games released before 2008 should work just fine.

If you like adventures try Deponia.It´s one of my favourite games. You can get the trilogie for 30 dollar

Might hurt on the specs a little but I can easily recommend The Talos Principal. Kind of like Portal but more about the rights of AI and the role of a God in decision making. 

RPG's: Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, Temple of Elemental Evil, Planescape: Torment, Fallout 1 & 2.


FPS: HL series, Serious Sam, CS, Thief 1 & 2.

Strategy: Starcraft, Total Annihilation, Stronghold Series, Rome Total War.

Misc: Dungeon Keeper, Sacrifice, No One Lives Forever.

Just some random thoughts, I don't know what genre you were looking for.

I could go use McDonald's wifi, got around 2 mbps there

Can someone link to where i could buy these games in CD/DVD form? Or if it's around 300 MB - 600 MB, i could use McDonald's wifi to download it

I bought ME 1+2 on Steam. Had to agree to some EULA but I didn't need to install Origin. I think you'll only need Origin if you buy the retail version.

Torchlight 1+2 (you should have no problems running them on your laptop).

Almost every point'n'click adventure. They don't have high system requirements and are lots of fun. The older ones (Monkey Island, Beneath a Steal Sky, Broken Sword, etc.) you can download on sites like (some of the are even free). Other games like the Sam & Max seasons should still be available as retail version (from Amazon or even your local stores). is generally a good adress for older games that will run even on older PCs.

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - a timeless classic. I still play it from time to time.

Civ 5 is an excellent game, though I'm not sure how well it can run on your laptop. If it can run well enough on lower settings, I'd wait for the Complete Edition.

Psychonauts is a pretty good platformer. It's a bit expensive on Amazon for some reason, so if you can find it cheaper elsewhere, it's worth checking out.

And another vote for Half Life games!

Fallout 2 is another timeless classic.

SimCity 4

I too have sucky internet so I know how you feel.

I second torchlight 1 & 2, brilliant games

baldurs gate 2 should be a reasonable download size (meaning you could get it from gog at mcdonalds), that would keep you busy for a while.

It was 3 and the Trilogy that used Origin

+1 to the Rollarcoaster Tycoon series. Absolutely love that game. I grew up playing that on pc. I have 3 Plat and the last time I played that was a while ago. I cannot wait for the next one.

Thank you guys

I used to only get 10kbs a second. It sucked. +1 to the Elder scrolls game series. You're main rig is similar to mine, its just I have an i5 3230m, in which is practically your i3 with a frequency boost. The Witcher runs really well, poker night 2 is fun, and pick up KOTOR while you're at it.

not a disc but you can play these offline: FTL, BindingOfIsaac