[Official] L1 Devember Minecraft Server! Vanilla Survival + Build Contest

you got some WeIrD FOV going on my dude

I modified your path near my place. It broke the immersivity if the bay so I rekt the fuck out of it and made it a tunnel :wink::wink:

My none fancy hole in the wall with simple piston doors is at:
-339x 581z

Mostly just that and the “elevator” lol.
Also is a link to my pc parts picker in the PC Specs good enough if now, is there a link to another thread to make it pretty

I use 100 minimum if I have the option. Anything below 90 gives me motion sickness. But when you combine that with speed II it gets weird. Add soul speed (I have a section like that at my base), and it’s ridicilous.

This is 105 FOV + Speed II + Soul Speed III


No problem. I know it was ugly. I usually fly or portal anyway, path is just for fun.

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I think you can turn off dynamic FOV then it won’t even do that. not sure if that is an optifine setting though lol


It is and I have Optifine. But I like it actually. It makes it easier to notice speed effects.

I seem to recall that someone mentioned they had made a list of builds while we were streaming one night, am I manufacturing that memory or is that real? If so, wouldn’t mind taking a peek at it to double check my own list.

Judgement Day Cometh


Probably this?

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That would be it, thank you! I knew I had seent that somewhere.

Is judgement day today or on the 7th?

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hmm I probably need to scrap my Quartz Crystal tree idea then

Halon_1211 build submission: Prison and surrounding properties Located at about X31, Z-114 (I’m also responsible for the construction of the wide road with fire on both sides and the underwater tunnel)



The ice road has finished one track and is in a functional state although unsafe for until 100%

i wanted to ask if we can adjust the anticheat accordingly so boats are fully functional.

You can now travel from overworld -20k Z to +10k Z in about 14 seconds, theoretically once boats work properly

if anyone tries to use it in the mean time it can work if you dont try to go0 full speed. im gtting about 50 blocks/sec before encountering issues

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The 8th right?

I’ll log in a bit later and get that done.

I think I’m pretty happy with the Quartz tree, wish I thought of it earlier and made a Quartz Forest


My tower is not on this list FYI -1425x -19875z though i suspect its on other lists

sites to see built by GigabusterEXE
Adventurer’s Guild
Forest of the Lantern Nymphs
Cavern of the Honey Slimes
Quartz Yggdrasil

area’s not built by gigabuster
Kryptonym’s tower
someones Checkerboarded cave