I'm thinking of investing in a raspberry pi or ODROID but as I am still a noob to both building pcs in general and to these kind of pcs. I was hoping i could get some help here on the forum. My questions are: 1 If i do get one of these, which do you recommend, and why? 2 In either of these is it possible for me to upgrade ram or the processor 3 is it possible for me to hook it up to a tablet through HDMI to micro usb to use it as a monitor? and 4 What have your experiences been with either of these two? Thanks a ton for your responses and advice! PS: Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
its most likely not posisble to upgrade ram or CPU or use tablet as a monitor
1. raspberry pi (ive had more experience with it, is the only reason)
2. No, it isnt.
3. I dont think so . . .
4. used it to host a webserver/app for a embedded systems project.