ODroid C1 for Programming

Okay so when it comes to compiling code, I have no idea what comes into play, how the RAM works with it, I think I understand the CPU side (Offloads things to each core) although if someone could explain these more please do.

Anyways for small projects and the beginning of Uni, when I am programming small Python and Java apps, I would like to use Linux, I dont want to move my desktop to Linux because I expect I will be using VS, and my laptop is for when I am away from home.

So would the ODroid be decent for it? adding to that, can I use eclipse on ARM? and would using ARM be any different from x86, apart from installing the OS, I wouldnt need to compile eclipse would I?



I've not seen it ever running on an ARM processor, but Eclipse runs on a Java Virtual Machine, so if there is a JVM for the version of linux you intend to run on the ODroid then there is a good chance that Eclipse will work. This said, it you can get it working I don't imagine it will run particularly quickly. IIRC, Eclipse is a bit of a resource hog. 

Is your goal just to write programs that are deployed and executed on ODroid?

I am not sure about Eclipse, but NetBeans will allow you to remotely deploy and execute applications, at least ones written in Java.  Meaning, you can run NetBeans from your desktop, code and build your application from your desktop machine and deploy and execute your application on your ARM based machine. 

Remember with Java the bytecode is the same regardless of the platform, the platform specific JVM is what will be responsible for executing the bytecode.  Just make sure that the version of the Java that will execute the code is the same version or higher than the Java used to compile the bytecode.

No I just want to program on the ODroid as like a second PC, I will compile either locally or via my desktop for faster times.

The program is also not aimed directly at ARM, although I would ideally like to learn this as I feel it would be an advantage in the future.