Oculus Rift with sketchy ToS and Privacy Policy?

I recall @Logan talking about the Oculus Rift a few times, and I thought it sounded great for the most part, other than I don't see linux support... however there's an article about their ToS / Privacy Policy that lets them collect all your data and such.


I saw that! Their tech section has some awesome articles.. They are light years ahead of the mainstream media.

And another potenially great company bites the dust in the privacy world. Walled gardens and anal probes are the future.

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I made a thread on this a few days ago. and it goes in depth..


I expected this because you know...Facebook

A link to there own shit words https://www.oculus.com/en-us/legal/privacy-policy/ This kind of nonsen most come to an end! We should pressure politicians to legislate against EULA´s that clearly exploits the customer and his/her lack of options. It should be in the people's interest to impose a statutory "only voluntary" participation of the data collection.

Dont buy the rift! It will rape your face.

Lets hope for good Linux support in the future for HTC Vive:)

Huh! Must have missed that while trying to see if there were any existing threads. (Which I may not have read the full title or it was just harder to search for.) Either way, thumbs up for such a nice detailed thread!

My apologies to you and the staff, on this.