I've done some reading on RAM and overclocking the MBO. Although the MBO I'll have says it can support 2400 RAM when overclocked, most people say that it's not worth it. Should I just get some 1600 RAM which is the highest it supports without overclocking, or should I stick with higher since my H100i will make any OCing no problem?
mmmm....quad channel. Should be fine with 2400 RAM, if your cpu allows those speeds. I say go for it, and if anything clock it down with tighter subtimings.
Guess I meant timings. CAS latency etc. You can mess with the subtimings as well, but that is harder to find a stable setting. Or rather, it is more difficult to troubleshoot when messing with the subtimings. They mainly deal with the refresh rate for RAM.
From what I've read the difference between 2400 and 1600 or 1866 isn't really that noticible. I'll be getting 32GB worth so it'll be pretty fast just from that.... Still think the 2400 is worth the extra money and the overclocking effort?
Highee ram speeds are not needed unless you are either 1) editing 2) live streaming 3) using an apu. If youre using a dedicated gpu and a cpu and youre just gaming you dont need 2400mhz ram. You will probably get around 5% of an increase in performance. Not really worth it to me for the extra price if youre just gaming. Btw, if youre gonna overclock your cpu, if your cpu needs the higher ram to run at, just overclock the ram yourself.
If you are going to get 2400 MHz RAM make sure it's on the Motherboard QVL as the x79 platform is very flakey when it comes to running RAM higher than 2133 MHz. Don't expect to run 32GB of 2400 MHz RAM either, That motherboard only supports 8GB of DDR3 2400 MHz memory in 4x2GB quad channel configuration, or 2x4GB dual channel configuration. As with most motherboards and CPUs this day and age.
Yes, I plan to edit and render videos, and also livestream. So for my uses, the extra RAM speed does make a difference then? Thanks for letting me know this.
Yes I've already just looked at it. According to it, the only possible way to run 32GB of RAM on it is with these (don't know why they're so expensive, yeesh):
I'll be gaming (of course); recording, editing, and rendering videos; and livestreaming. I know most people only need 16GB RAM, but I kinda wanna just gorge on it because why not.
Those will not work in quad channel, if you look off to the right of the Table, it lists what parings of DIMMS it can run at the same time. those will only work in Dual Channel.
To be honest dude, you dont even need 16GB for video editing if you are using GPU based video encoding with an HD 7970. Using 4x2GB 2400 MHz RAM running in quad channel is going to make a bigger difference in overall in PC performance than 32GB of RAM. Unless you are running several Virtual Machines simultaniously.
That doesn't make much sense though, how can they advertise 32GB of RAM if that's the only possible way? Not to mention that wasn't on the original QVL, only the updated one. This really confuses me >_<
So are you suggesting that my best option is four 2GB sticks of 2400MHz RAM? This confuses me even more. What is the benefit of four 2GBs over one or two 8GB sticks?
Quad channel, I don't really understand why you haven't done much research into the platform you intend on purchasing. Quad channel effectively quadruples the bandwidth your CPU utilizes from the RAM instead of the standard Dual Channel memory.
This is my first build, and I've learned quite a bit over the last week, and still am. Cut me a little bit of a break, please.
Okay, so I looked up some more information on quad vs dual channels, etc. The Rampage IV Formula does support quad channel, so that's good. So it's obvious by this point I don't need 32GB of RAM, much less 2400MHz on each stick. (Not that that is even possible, as it seems.)
To make things better for you to reference to, here is a link to my build.
Now that you can see that, what would you suggest RAM-wise? I definitely don't want to stoop down to 8GB total, but now I know I that 32GB is unnecessary. So what quad-set of 16GB would you recommend? The guy below (brennanriddell) suggested 1866MHz at CL8 instead of CL9. What do you think about that?