OC Temps safe?

Hey guys, I have a few questions about the expectations of my i5 3570k. When I first installed it I noticed it had higher then normal temps (according to what I had read). At idle I would hit hit 35-40c and jump around very inconsistently with a max of 60c. I do live in Texas so my ambient temp is around 24c so I calked it up to higher than normal ambient. I have recently hit 4.4ghz at 1.250v stable. Ambient is now 40 - 45c and max temp under aida64 load is 90c. I am using a H100i with arctic silver 5. So bottom line is does this sound safe for daily use and are these expected numbers for my scenario or is my chip a bit sub par? Also the temps were recorded as such with the stock H100i paste and then I applied the AS5 to see if it would improve my temps to no avail. If you would like any more build specs they are in my profile. Thanks!

At 90c it will probably throttle your CPU. I'd try to keep it under 80c or 85c max but at 90c it wont explode or anything but I don't recommend running at those temps for extended periods of time.

I would take it down to 4.3 because with my 3570k it takes a lot of voltage to hit 4.4 and 4.5 vs the 4.3 I have it on now I dont need to add much voltage.  Also turn up the pump speed with the button on it and see if that helps and maybe run it in push pull fan setup.

Arctic silver gets better with time, it needs a break in period. Idle temps may get higher but max temps will surely be lower if you applied it correctly.

Try to stay the minimum reccomended away from tjmax, this is more important than the actual temperature when reaching full load -30 degrees at least if you want to use that pc in later years :)

90 is too high (>20 before tjmax), lower the frequency then voltage then try to stay under 1.2 it's way too high for just 4.4ghz (chips vary, don't use someone else's settings)

Thanks for all the input! I went in and tweaked some more based on your input and found if I dropped the multiplier to 43 I could get away with way less voltage. I am now at 4.3 with 1.144v and temp caps at 79c.