NZXT H440 Inquiry

So I bought an H440 recently and I really feel like it's missing something. The front panel just feels devoid of character. I was thinking maybe a burning earth logo would do it some good and I realized the sticker on EpicPants is white and my case is white. Now I'm stuck here, clueless, thinking on what I should do to add something to it. Any ideas?  

You could make a black background for the burning earth logo out of latex or vinyl then apply that to the front.  It should look pretty good if done well.  Another option would be making your own front logo out of latex or vinyl.  You could also use plastidip to paint something on it.  just be careful with your edges.

If you are handy with an airbrush or can of paint, you could put the white sticker on spray a grey/balck fog/outline and then peel the sticker away leaving a lightly ghosted in burning earth.

If you decide to try this, do test runs on something else first.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try these out once I get a hold of a burning earth logo and some paint. 

6XL T-shirt.
