Nx2l's Home Lab blog

that’s fair. We all got to start somewhere. I’m just throwing out ideas.

On a more serious note though, hit me up if you have any questions. I love fiddling with this stuff.


if you could some pointers on what direction to look in so i can start to bridge the gap of knowledge (galaxy to galaxy gap, atm)


It really depends on what you want to do, but there are some basics you really should accomplish regardless.

  1. PersistenStorage. This can really make or break everything else. For simplicity purposes, I am using the NFS Provisioner. Feels very old-school and works pretty well with everything in OCP. If you set the nfs storage class to be default, then you don’t really have to worry about storage again.
  2. TLS. This isn’t technically necessary, but it makes things easier down the road. I use openshift-acme but there are other options as well.

Then you can get started by doing a basic nginx deployment. Log in to the web gui, create a project, go into developer view, click ‘+ Add’, then click container image. Then fill out the form and see what happens. Then poke around and see the relationships between containers → pods → replica sets → deployments. There’s a lot under the hood, but there’s also a lot of automation.

After you have something running, you can use the oc cli tool to create new resources by using other resources as references. I never remember how to create a deployment from scratch, so I just keep an example yaml file handy.

Finally, find an app you like on Bitnami and try to create it using helm.


Hey just wanted to chime in and tell you about ksmd and since you’re on Fedora it’s as easy as installing it and enabling it’s service.

KSMd is used to merge memory pages aka dedpulicating them. Since you have a ha setup there is a lot of duplicate stuff in there. But just so you know, it will just start and do its thing when memory will hit a certain threshold. :wink:


I’m surprised that zram doesn’t already do that


My DSL died when truck wrecked outside of town the the other day… still out…

setup spare machine with pfsense and setup it to be my gateway.

was over 100Mb earlier today…
kinda storming right now… so still not bad



i have discovered that download and upload arent consistently that high, but its still been faster than my DSL.


some times its very fast…



probably wont even play it if it needs EAC but its just nice being able to download it in 20-30 min vs a day to two before.

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Still thinking about what to do with this.

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Sell the sealed Optane drives as collectibles in a few years.

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lol… maybe i can use them and still sell them later

the 900p drives ive had for a few years… are still going strong


been playing with jellyfin and transcoding to a tmpfs mountpoint



waiting on …


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