Judging by the link up above me I would believe so. I really think this will be a step in the right direction for Macs to become formidable gaming rigs. Now only if we can get the software side of things caught up. Me personally I really want OSX to experience a boost in gaming and become a platform for designers (because I am quite tired of Windows having all the fun)to work on and develop for.
Oh and it's gonna cost a shit load though UGH :........C
This sounds rather pointless as I doubt developers would make games for mac because OSX is no more special than Linux and no we do not want to see good ol' Nvidia supplying evil apple with their best GPUs! I'm waiting for all the game developers to discover Opengl.
Feel sorry for whoever buys that yea i got a badass gpu in my mac but no games to play with it. lol ive never even seen the inside of a mac d they have pci e slots or some stupid apple slut i mean slot
Rofl...everyone at my school is either a windows extremist or a mac extremist...i don't get what's the big deal lol. It's an operating system for god's sake! as for games on macs...sorry but i actually don't know any games that run on Macs xD