Nvidia vs. AMD

I have been looking only at the AMD Radeon Cards and have completely ruled out Nvidia, which is unfair of me, could anyone tell me a good Nvidia card or one that is equivalent to an AMD Radeon 7870 XT or 7950? Also I have an AMD 8350 Processor, and I have read that Nvidia cards don't work that well with AMD processors, so should I change my processor to an Intel?

The 660ti is probably what you're looking at...possibly the 670...

You would be looking at either the GTX 660 TI or GTX 670. You can get a 7970 for the same price as a GTX 670 though, and both the cards you mentioned should be slightly better than the GTX 660 TI.

The 670 beats the 7950, but the 660Ti trades blows with the 7950....

Ok thanks, but do I need to change my whole build if I switch to a Nvidia card?

GTX 670. EVGA makes some really good nVidia cards.


Well the reason I ask the question in the first place is because of Physx, I know you can get it on AMD, but Nvidia's version is better.

I will be playing games like Battlefield 3 and Crysis 3 if this makes any difference, I am also interested in Planetside 2

No, you cannot get it on AMD, unless you like around 10fps?

Oh I didn't know that the Framerate dropped so much with it on AMD. WOW!

Not sure what Recon-UK is talking about. Anyway, PhysX is not utilized in every game. There are actually very few games that utilize the technology, and AMD cards don't have support for it, which means that PhysX will be offloaded to your CPU rather than your GPU handling it. Games that use PhysX do run better on Nvidia cards, but most games don't even use PhysX, and there are many games on the market that work better with AMD cards anyway.The best way to determine which card manufacturer to go with is to look up benchmarks for the specific games your'e going to be playing and compare and contrast how different cards handle them.

Do you have a specific website that you would recommend?


Google haha

Other than that, there's always Tom's Hardware, Anandtech, and Overclock3D.net.

The 7950 is a lot better than the GTX 660TI now, they used to trade blows quite a bit but with the new drivers and OC potential it competes with a stock GTX 670 more so than a 660TI, plus you also get free games!

I said PhysX will not work on an AMD card unless you like 10fps...



The free games kill the 660Ti dead in it's track, it is over priced for what it is.

But the Nvidia cards do come with $150 of in game money for Planetside 2 and Hawken

That is a very good point^


Depends on what you want really......

I have also looked at benchmark comparisons on BF3 on Ultra and the 660 TI beats, but I still think that I will go with my current 7950 to play BF3 and Crysis 3 with, and like you guys said, it doesn't hurt that it comes with Crysis 3 and Bioshock Infinite, I am so pumped to place my order!!!!