Nvidia ShadowPlay won't let me choose a save location

Hello all!

Iv'e been trying to use shadowplay to record my gameplay, but for some reason it won't let me change the default save location (which is on my OS~SSD). I have tried everything i can think of, from reformatting my pc to re-installing my drivers and Geforce experience. I even rooted around in the program files to try and find a config. file that retained the save location. Please help! OBS works well enough but i want shadow play for usability and such! note that shadowplay works, it will record gameplay, but it saves it all on my ssd which doesn't have enough space (128gb) i want to record gameplay on an extra 500gb drive i have.

My system specs are bellow


Mother Board : gigabyte ga-990fxa-ud3

Ram : DDR3 16 gb Kingston hyperX limited 1600mhz

CPU : Amd FX-6200 3.8ghz

GPU : PNY GTX 770 XLR8 (2GB)

Hard Drives : lots

OS : Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit  


It is an incomplete workaround, but I think there is a shadow play plugin for OBS (or possibly dxtory writing this from memory). It would dump shadow play stuff into the other programming and then it could send it anywhere and with some controls on it.

I.might be completely wrong though.

yea shadowplay was doing that to me as well

i competely clean reinstalled all my drivers for nvidia and geforce experence and everything  no help

even tried an old version of gf experience 


for some magical reason the issue cleared itself up like two days ago and i have zero idea why