NVIDIA Jetson : Have you used it?


I am looking to develop a program that recognises if someone is wearing a mask or not when they enter a door, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience in machine learning and if the Jetson would have enough horsepower to do the task in real time ?



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The RPi got 2.5 fps, so with Cuda speedup you might get something that’s usable.


Thank you for that and this means I have a baseline to improve from :slight_smile: thank you :slight_smile:

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Have fun with it! It will definitely help you if you take any Machine Learning courses later on. :+1:

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Used a Jetson tx1 in uni four years ago. Around 30 fps getting object recognition with YOLO and ROS working. Should be good enough.

Oh and some friendly advice, learn to separate a “real time” operation (always meets their deadlines) to a “live” operation (processes data fast enough to respond within a few milliseconds). A minor but important distinction.

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