Nvidia GTX 780ti with a i7 3770?

Hello everyone,

I am looking to upgrade my Gpu to a Nvidia GTX 780ti (haven't settled on a company yet), I currently have a core i7 3770 @ 3.40 GHz and I was worried about bottlenecking, if I will have to upgrade anything else, or any other problems I might encounter. I mainly use the system for gaming and the reason I'm upgrading is because I want to run Skyrim with even more mods, and the newer games coming out I can not run on high settings e.g. Thief. Any advice would be very much appreciated.

Current PC specks

  • Intel Core i7 3770 @ 3.40GHz
  • Asus GeForce GTX 660ti
  • Motherboard - Asus P8Z77-V lx
  • G Skill 8.00 GB RAM
  • Corsair RM 750 Gold Rated PSU
  • Western Digital Black 1TB 7200rpm HHD
  • Samsung 840 Evo (250gb) SSD
  • Cooler master Scout 2 case

Ps: Sorry for any spelling errors I'm dyslexic

That's fine. You will not bottleneck it with that CPU

Cool, thanks for the quick reply

the way all the tech reviewers talk its got everyone scared of bottle necks :(