Nvidia GTX 745 4GB (Help please :3)

My current pc specs are :
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 3.20GHz
Speed 3.2 GHz
Number of Cores 8
Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745
Manufacturer NVIDIA
Chipset GeForce GTX 745
Dedicated Memory 3.1 GB
Total Memory 4.0 GB
Memory 16 GB

I can barely run good games at high quality , i get like 20-30 fps , my current Nvidia settings are set on maximum performance . Ingame / desktop resolution is 1280x1024 , if i change it to my native resolution i get 5-10 fps .
I know people say it's a bad video card but still it should be able to run games at high ..i did overclock it and my fps improved a bit but still why is the performance so low ? I changed from a very old pc and i i`m really confortable and happy with the change but i don't have 600$ to buy a new graphics card..what should i do to improve my performance on the GTX ?
CS:GO (not that high performance game = 300-400FPS )
Farcry4 = 30-40 fps on low
Survarium (a game that i really enjoy but can't play , 50 fps on low , i must say that there's : Minimum > Low > Medium > High > Ultra)
Any help out here? thanks for reading this much :3

Buy a used 780 for ~100 on ebay they come up about once a week. Also moar ram.

I`m not going to buy a new card very soon :) i want a solution for this one .

Looks like you bought a pre-built. Am I correct in saying this or no?

Instead of paying $600 for a new graphics card, why not pay $150-200? One of these will fit the bill and run circles around the GTX 745:


The R9 290 has my vote, and I'm pretty sure you can find it on Ebay for even less.

We have given you a solution. Purchasing a better GPU is basically your only solution...unless you can return your system for a refund (assuming it's a pre-built). You can also try lowering your in-game resolution and graphics settings some more.


Yes it's a pre-built , so the best solution is to buy a new one .. wich is not going to happen very soon :) thanks for the help

Glad we can help. But no, the best solution is not to buy a new pre-built. The best solution is to return your current pre-built for a refund (if possible). Then come back to the forums once you have cash in hand (so to speak) and ask us for advice with choosing a parts list optimized for your needs. Afterwards, you can buy the parts, slap together your system in a couple of hours, and enjoy performance that is miles better than most pre-builts.

The GTX 745 is just another example of nVidia naming something to look impressive (i.e. giving it the GTX name, indicating performance) and selling it through OEMs as such. It's not actually that great of a card, despite what the name suggests.

I personally would pop the card out, sell it for $70 and use that to get a GTX 650 2GB off ebay for the same price. Sure it has less RAM, but it's a faster gaming card. (Be careful though, a lot of fake GTX 650's coming out of Hong Kong right now... Get a used one with a real brand name from somewhere more local.)

My mom bought me the PC (i went with her ofcourse) there were alot pc-s at the same price with much lower components , when i saw 16gb ram i7 and gtx 745 i tought it's a good one so i bought it . The ram and the i7 is good right ? :) all i need to change is the video card , i can't do it right now because i don't have my own money and my mom would kill me if i tell her :D so i`ll have to wait .

Yeah, the i7 and 16GB of RAM are good, but you likely could have built a far better PC for the same price you payed for the pre-built, especially if games are the most rigorous process you'll be running. For games, the i7 isn't necessary. You could have saved $100-$150 on the CPU alone by going with a cheaper quad core i5. The difference in gaming would have been negligible and you could have put that money towards something like a better GPU or a SSD.

TL;DR - Yes, you can simply replace the GTX 745 with something stronger. However, I recommend you proceed with extreme caution. Check your PSU's specs and make sure it can handle the new GPU. Most pre-builts come with terrible power supplies. And considering your system is using low wattage parts, I can almost guarantee the manufacturer skimped big time on the PSU. You don't want to overload and fry your system.

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