I like click bait :) Seriously? It amazes me.
lol, again? wtf it's like they are tying to sneak in these denial of features.
I would of thought one pr guy would of spoke up and said enough bad pr for the year. Let them cook their laptops if they chose to do so.
rofl yup nvida the way its not intend to be played. but in reality why the heck does this surprise anyone. Nvida loves to find new ways to make there customers look like a fool and shove money into there own pockets.
It surprises me, I thought they were just a titch smarter than this.
the thing that gets me is they could get more money from people burning their laptops when they oc their gpu's and they have to buy a new laptop or a desktop
Nvidia reminding me of apple. here is some stuff we made for you, now use it exactly how we say because thats how we know it will work. AMD little more like windows. here is some stuff, it will work like this. but if you wanna move outside that zone, ehhhh okay but dont expect to much help from us. sadly no one is like linux where its just here is some stuff. we dont know shit about what it can or will do. but good luck
Windows maybe going the way of apple with window 10, only time will tell.
Nvidia are such a clock block
haha…im so funny
Why would anyone overclock a laptop GPU?
I barely get a performance boost on my desktop Strix 970 going from 1253 to 1400.
i hope they dont make themselves a walled garden
I have a laptop with a GT 745M. Mildly over clocking the GPU and memory I can get it to the clock speeds of a 750M or a littler higher. This essentially gives me 750 or 55 because they are all the same chip with different clock speeds.
In some games this can give me a 5-10 FPS boost in average frame rate and more importantly raises the minimum. This means that a few games that wouldn't be playable (under 30 FPS) now are playable. My temps are only 2-4 degrees higher and it doesn't throttle. So OCing helps and really doesn't have a drawback.
Just because you don't use it doesn't mean other people don't. Even if it is a bad idea I'd rather make the choice myself.
My example is why I think they stopped the OCing. On the lower end to mid range mobile GPUs many of the different tiers are the same card just with clock speeds. nVidia doesn't want the consumer to buy a lower end GPU and get the performance of a higher end one. They want you to buy the more expensive one.
That makes sense, but then why would they nerf the performance of the high end GPU that they wanted you to buy in the first place?
I swear, graphics card companies just don't think like normal people. Neither do most corporations for that matter.
Another thing to add to my list of reasons not to buy Nvidia
and a quick reversal :)
"its not a bug, its a feature" -any programmer ever
Nah, I stole it, but from elsewhere ;)