So it turns out the G-Sync module for monitors is just DRM
this man here has made a hacked Nvidia driver that makes "G-Sync"" aka adaptive sync work with (almost) any DP1.2 monitor.
this has been one bad month for nvidia,.
this. this is bad.
Between this and the several lies involving the 970 Nvidia is well on its way to becoming the Comcast of graphics cards except they are getting caught every step of the way and they aren't a monopoly so it's going to destroy them.
Looks like Wendell does not even need to hack the card like he talked about on INBOX.EXE. This is crazy stuff.
Yup, Nvidia has pretty much lost all their consumer faith.
No, no. It's not JUST DRM. It's DRM that you pay the premium for!
But we need someone here to test this out because the rumors on the internet about this are pretty inconsistent.
It's not like G-Sync was every going to take off anyway. Nvidia can't just shrug off the standards compliance for display port unless they're completely insane. Why would anyone buy a GPU from Nvidia and a more expensive G-SYNC monitor if there is a GPU alternative in form of AMD and a better monitor for the same price or at least same quality cheaper one with free-sync? They're digging their own hole.
Makes me happy I went with an R9 a while back instead of waiting for the 900 series .... damn thats not cool.
this has nothing to do with the disaster that is the 900s, it has to do with nvidia claiming you need physical hardware to use G-Sync, when in fact its all done driver side and the "hardware" is just to make sure you paid Nvidia extra to use the feature already present.
think of it as Intel selling a quade core CPU with only 3 cores enabled, then saying well you need a special motherboard chip to make the 4th core work. when in fact its just intel trying to squeez more money out of you since you can enable the 4th core with a hacked bios update.
lol wow. not even surprised. gsync always sounded fishy to me. really interested to see how linus feels about this. being such a gsync proponent
I'm sure he'll celebrate by getting another nVidia tattoo.
Well good thing that I didn't buy one of those new fangled nvidia cards for the 4gb memory and compatibility with "specialized" gsync hardware... looks at 970 in computer next to him... well poop.
I'm just waiting for the next Nvidia disaster to come up. my bet is that DSR isn't really DSR it's just antialiasing.
I am stunned, I love their products but they need to stop sucking people's money when they know there are free alternatives that would be best for everyone.
You want to hear a joke?
What's Big, Proprietary, and Green all over?
I'll contribute to the next fuck-up prediction.
Shadow-Play, Works on All Android Devices.
But their GPUs... they're so power efficient, surely you will get back the premium you payed for Gsync with those cheaper electric bills!
Sorry, couldn't help myself.
Why would pay a premium for something that is (going to be) part of the standard? Especially when that premium could have been invested in a better GPU? Makes no sense from where I'm standing. Oh well.
I am going to wait and see on this one.
Not sure whether to believe it or not
Really interested to see what comes from this.
I have a really hard time imagining that if the add in board (as is being implied in this thread) is useless that AMD would not have called out Nvidia on it in the past year.
and if the scalers in monitors currently used are completely sufficient already why would AMD make such a big deal out of stuff like this.
but yeah it should be interesting to see what comes of this.
It doesn't seem to be legit:
Hopefully wendell. logan. linus or another big youtube channel investigates this and reports back.