Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080: The No-Hype Review Part 1 | Tek Syndicate

( ͡⊙ ͜ʖ ͡⊙) <--- Logans eyes when he takes a drink.

About Color Compression...

AMD added Delta Color Compression to Tonga (CGN 1.2, Fiji, Tonga and Carrizo) back in 2014. See TechReport for example:

Tonga does well in Linux with the new AMD open source driver. Se Phoronix for benchmarks. Will only get better with time, there are many working on it.

AMD driver coders has made some insanely huge pull requests for the 4.7 kernel. These additions to the Linux kernel are among the largest to date. Interesting times.

Something worth to mention is that Delta Color Compression was added to Mesa last year. Open Source FTW!

3:30 Wouldn't say bigger venting holes are generally better, they are only
on blower style cards. Ones with Axial orianted fans don't care about
these few holes, they just blow that air everywhere...