With the release of the latest Beta Drivers, 337.50, I was wondering if the performance boosts listed are at all accurate. Claiming a 25% performance boost in Skyrim over the last driver, 335.23, seems a bit of stretch to me. I don't really have much to check for a performance boost, would Fraps be a good place to check to check FPS? Any other good software for doing such?
I did a bit of testing last night. some games I saw no boost but I was suprised. Crysis 2, 18%, Far Cry 3, 47%. Cryengine SDK saw a 12% boost but it seems a good 80% of the games I tested saw less than 10% boost. Most under 5%. There is a change and it makes some games run amazingly but your correct with the "Up to" problem. Every update they say "Up to"