My pc is up and running well without a graphics card and I have the money to get a 970 but I am waiting to see if the price will drop when the AMD 300 series is ANNOUNCED. So was wondering if this will happen or if the price will only drop when the competitor to the 970 will only drop when the AMD 370 is RELEASED. plz reply asap cos I dont want to wait for the price to drop and nothing happen. THx!
I would wait a bit for the 300 dollar priced AMD card, but if you want your GPU now go with the 970.
The 300 series is already announced, nvidia might not even drop the price if the competition doesn't hold up or a 970ti 980ti etc do not come out.
if you're wanting to upgrade right now get a 970, if you're willing to wait til about june for the specs to be announced and then a launch date to be announced then wait and if they are at the same price point do an in depth comparision on both
Wait what
Thx Bought the card although I only have a 1080p monitor for now gonna get a 1440p one next christmas so for now its overkill ballerness is pleasing (bf3 150 fps on a 60hz monitor) :)