Nudity in art

Why Ireland?

I have ancestry there. and i love fog.

Fog, rain and Guiness.

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Yes, yes, and i dont drink.


I mean it is Ireland and all.


(I was also astounded by the beer tents in Germany. That was different.)

But men painted these.


Hahaha, yeah i really do love those cultures, but damn they love their alcohol.

I could find plenty nudes drawn by women.
I think however you are being sarcastic.

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Hey I didn't say that!

Yes very

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I read that the Iranian president Rhohani is currently visiting Italy.
The Italians covered up all of their art so as not to offend his delicate sensibilities.

Well, if let's say a woman (or a man) walks topless in the middle of a city, that's not allowed. Don't get me wrong you don't get thrown in jail, but the police / people will ask you to cover yourself.

On the other hand, for example in summer I like to go to the beach and let me tell you, there are women (old and young ones, more old, but that's not relevant xD) that like to be topless and I've never seen someone screaming: "NUDITY! OMG. BOOBS!! OH NOEZ! WHAT I'VE SEEN CAN NOT BE UNSEEN!"

Yeah we've done that to not offend him, because culture.

And yeah I'm italian. :)


In high school we had the option of taking a college literature class. In it there was a story with nudity described. This of course caused an uproar with the students.

The teacher explained that this is a college course intended for college level minds. He explained that the difference between nudity and pornography was that the purpose of pornography was to arouse the viewer. Is anyone here aroused by this? Of course, no 17 year old dared raise their hand to that question.

Something I put in a text file a while back:

breasts should not be considered nudity.
everyone considers them nudity.
nudity is forbidden.
forbidden is sexy.
the world keeps spinning.

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That beats all my poetry by a whole class XD

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"Nordsee Küste" is all I have to say. The weather is best described as "After Fall, there is more Fall" but hey!

Doesn't bother me at all, I really don't view nudity as a bad thing since its just human nature.


Put a copy of "big jugs" in a frame and hang it on a wall it becomes art and vice versa, an object has different meaning depending

No, something like that is meant to "titillate", while art is an expression of beauty and/or emotion.

and Duchamps urinal Was meant to be pissed in, whats you're point again?

I like to keep that in there so you know im an idiot and therefore my argument is invalid if needs be