So I am guessing that I am not alone here saying that I don't trust the cloud with a lot of stuff (read "trust it with nothing"). I been a sysadmin have my own physical server sat on my desk because everyone needs a trusty Linux (or unix) box in their lives!
Anyway getting to the point. I have been using Onenote 2010 (offline edition) for a long time now for all my notes and that has been the main application that has been holding me back from moving everything to Linux other than to game (if I ever get the time!) Do any of you know of a linux equivalent, or even better a web app that I can host myself?
I did give ownnote ago, but after an upgrade of owncloud i have ran in to problems that has left me with no choice other than to port back out of it into onenote 2010 again....
Failing that I will have to learn PHP and write my own (which is what I have been saying I will do for years...) I have seen paperwork but it is still not really prime time ready (I did try it) and needs too much fudging with directories for me to be happy putting it on my server.
Otherwise how do you take and organize notes on whatever platform (as long as its non cloud :-P)?
at one point yea, I did use them but not so much nowadays. I started using it because it was a bit of software that my company used so we all used it, and after I left that company I just kept going with it.
I use it to keep a collection of notes from my Korean lessons, University studies (Distance Learning), and keeping tabs of configurations of software that I have used on Linux (like all the different TLS settings I use for Postfix and dovecot as one of the apps on my server)
I did consider a wiki, I didn't quite get my head around how I would move everything into the Wiki format or any experience with Wiki software, (although I am sure that it will be no different to the million and one other web apps there is out there) Got any suggestions on wiki platforms?
Thinking about it, @Wendell said that he used something similar. I will give it a look, no harm in that (although the thought of moving all my notes makes me shudder....)
I use WikidPad for my own personal notetaking, but that may be a bit limited depending on how you take your notes... Personally I love it though and use it daily. It's written in python, open source, cross platform, and extensible. It's also uber easy and quick to jot down notes with (although the linux version seems to lag if your pages get too long it appears...)
There's always other options such as: if you want your own cloudbased solution although I've never actually played with this one.
I am running owncloud, Which is a great bit of software but it has some great strengths and weaknesses for me I have found that notes are its weakness.
For sure, I would certainly recommend it if you're ok with text-based notetaking. There are extensions to add graphing and shit if you really want, but I haven't played around much with any of those.
I use it to keep track of my life and absolutely love it.