So I have been out of the loop on phones as of the purchase of my note 2, siii, before that a bionic and og droid. I am in need of an upgrade due to giving my dad a note 2 and getting a new birthday gift (sony vaio fit flip 15a; stylus support) which is why I dont need a note stylus device.
With money spent nearly 1000, some from birthday money and some from spent by myself. I am limited to 50 dollars or less. If I get a 50 dollar phone Ill get a decent but inexpensive case with it. If I get a free phone it will more than likely come with an accompanying sdcard + case or bike handle bar holder. I would prefer for future use and largest capacity (future backup device when I get a new phone)
Here is what I have selected so far, you can add some if you want give insight on the ones in the thread.
1. LG G3 $50 32gb 13mp - my number one pick, but would be costly compared to the lesser priced ones
2. HTC One M8 $50 32gb - only added for capacity and unibody-esque design
3. LG G2 $0.01 32gb 13mp - good alternative to g3, but crappier build material and lower res display (i want 2k, this would compare to the one plus one)
4. Samsung Galaxy S 4 $0.01 16gb 13mp - on here because i would prefer a 13mp shooter. however this is lesser than the g2 in almost ever shape (size, camera, onboard stoarge, customization)
5. Samsung Galaxy S 3 $0.01 16gb 8mp - I used to own this so I have screen protectors and a case already (could get an expensive sd card
6. Nokia Lumia Icon $0.01 32gb 20mp - added for camera and only the camera, I havent used mobile windows before so i have nothing purchased, so i would have to start all over again on app/game collection.
Primary use of this
Music (Riding Bike, Running, Walking, Car Ride, Parties, etc)
Web Browsing
Mobile Video
Pocket Gaming Device (in a lounge etc)
Secure Wireless Backup (Bittorrent Sync)
GPS/nav bike and car