Not sure about Linux

Just curious... what is it that you need your HTPC to do, that Linux distro can't offer you?

The main thing is that I haven't been able to find an alternative for this:

I also use madvr, reclock and mpc-hc, but I can live without them.

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Yeah I see your point. Although Ubuntu and buntu distros lower the risk I can still see where a beginner may get confused and screw something up.

I'm currently trying to install Mint. I don't recommend any Linux or Ubuntu of any sort.

Difficult to install
Insane amount of bugs
No compatibility
Drivers are as basic as they come
GRUB is probably the worst thing invented.
Headaches for days, especially when all you want is something to actually work well without going through a week of troubleshooting. (troubleshooting is not even something I should use. The extent of troubleshooting is just google and forum-warriors who don't know shit)
Windows, just use it.

On a side note, I do use freenas, and that is absolutely kiss noise perfect. Best damn thing i've ever used. Same with PFsense.

But linux OS distros? No. Never. Pretty much dead to me.

That hardcore necro.