Not all ISPs have equal access?

So i'm in the process getting internet service for my new place next year in FL. I ran into a interesting issue both for there and where I live currently in CA.

Currently in CA, I tried about 6 months ago to get a local ISP to get DSL service for my location, but they could only do T1 service. ATT (who owns the copper lines) could get DSL, U-Verse, and T1. Other ISPs like Earthlink, DSLExtreme said address could not be serviced.

I plan to move back to FL next year (even on the same street), I had ADSL 3.0M service with Earthlink previously. I attempted to get Earthlink, but they couldn't service DSL to the address and only can do T1. Earthlink claimed it was too far away. I contacted ATT (who owns the copper lines), I'm able to get residential U-Verse (ADSL2+), Business DSL, or T1 service. DSLExtreme and CenturyLink said they could not service the address.

Something sounds broken....Why do other ISPs don't have equal access to potential customers. Are they stuck doing regular ADSL and not ADSL2+? Or is the local ISP that owns the lines roadblocking the others?

I rather not want to get Cable internet because they are overloaded by everyone using it, long outages during hurricanes, and i rather have a dedicated circuit using DSL. In the past my DSL stay up majority of the time during the hurricanes while the cable internet stayed down even weeks after power restored. Plus I got my own backup generator. So my only choices is Cox, ATT, or Earthlink with T1. Basically only only choice of 2 ISPs if you take out T1's.


I also noticed ATT's residential DSL service has data caps while ATT Business DSL does not do data caps. The price difference is like $20-$30. The local cable company does not do data caps. So weird.

Who else has experience any of this?

I contacted ATT (who owns the copper lines),

There is your answer, you failed to notice it. AT&T who own the lines are not even obligated to give other ISP's usage of them. If they were government (or by an infrastructure company) owned, then every ISP would have equal access.

It's very sad problem. I started laughing when I saw I could get the Business DSL service which comes with no data caps and pay about $20 more a month versus Residential DSL service which has a monthly data cap. lol

The data cap situation in the US is joke and corporate greed.

My friend who owns his own ISP here in California told me he's in the process of getting an agreement to get access to service DSL in my area. He even told me that residential DSL service is cheaper to setup than business DSL. My other friend who is an engineer at a major teleco (which I won't name). Talking to both my friends have given me more insight into the ISP operations.

I wish there was more competition like Logan has been saying.

Anyone know the more details ISP reselling business part?