Does this look like a normal amount of wear for the Enmotus FuzeDrive? Seems to me to be wearing out faster than other drives in my system with a similar amounts of total writes. I get the same percentage in their AI software. The total write life of my MP600 is less than what Enmotus states but shows a higher usage left with more writes to the disk (My OS Drive). Overall a great ssd but I’m concerned how fast it’s wearing. Could be a miss report or my ignorance. Anyone experience this?
Hi, @BrunsySeven . A few users have seen this behavior, and we’re investigating. If you haven’t already, would you mind opening a ticket with us at our support site so we can get more information from you about this issue?
Thank you for the replay. I will open a ticket because I haven’t yet. I was a backer and believe in the product. Thank you for the support off channel!
May I ask if you have had a reply and a solution to this issue please?
And currently waiting for a FuzeDrive arriving from the US to the UK , as non-are available in Europe as far as I can see, in the next seven days so I was hoping you could put my mind to rest with the answer to this question.
@marelooke quote=“marelooke, post:5, topic:169829”]
Looks like mine is doing the same, maybe @Enmotus has some updates on this issue?
@marelooke many thanks for the prompt reply that’s all the information I needed as I’m officially worried now so unless @Enmotus can clarify the status and resolution of this issue looks like I’m gonna put my order on hold.
My results below from a sept 2018 installed SSD
Not a patch on BrunsySeven setup but still 100% life remaining!
Installed in late January 2021 and Fuzed with one of the Toshiba HDDs (hence the weird results on the individual drives). The FuzeDrive is my game drive, and the Samsung EVO is the OS drive. Both were new and installed at the same time.
The Tohisba HDDS are carried over from my previous build and have about 12600hours on them already.
Update, about 8 months later:
Not sure if 7% durability loss in 8 months is supposed to be normal, but given how the Samsung still hasn’t gone below 100% I’d go with “no”, especially given the “enhanced durability claims”. Of course it could just be the endurance calculation being off, guess we’ll find out eventually
Can’t access the FAQ any more, looks like something’s broken on the support site.
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