Noob PC build

Hi I wanted to build a custom computer but it is my first time starting from scratch, my current computer has about 75% new parts and 25% original, Me and my friend wanted good gaming pcs, but unfortunately we live in australia which hasn't got many pc stores with parts as cheap in america, i set up a wishlist online,, i was just wondering if it was good or if i should swap stuff out

16gig ram is overkill, I suggest getting Cosair Vengeance 2x4gig ram. 850Wat PSU is also way overkill, you can prob swap it for and ocz modxstream pro 700w powersupply. The fans on your case are good enough so you don;t really need to buy aftermarket fans. You forgot the Processor cooler, however if your not planning on overclocking then the stock cooler will be fine. With the money you saved by switching out these parts you can buy a better GPU, a good 7970 or gtx 680 card. You got the mini atx version of the asrock extreme, buy the one without the m. The rest looks fine to me.

If you are in Australia and are looking for good prices, try MSY in addition to PCCaseGear. I find that MSY beats them for price sometimes. Don't rely on MSY for service though, as they thoroughly suck at anything other than processing your payment and handing over the parts.

I agree with eliburghardt on the GPU and RAM. 8Gb is adequate for most people (I use 16Gb but that is because I run fairly massive statistical analyses on my machine that are written to RAM as the software works), so choose a nice 8Gb kit with low latency.

If gaming is what you want, spend the most you can on a good GPU - that is where you will get the most gains.

why go for harddrive. go for SSD 

Looks pretty godd, I personally would stay with the 850w Just so if you ever feel you need crossfire you can do so. On the other hand the 16gb of RAM is too much if your just gaming, Find a high preformance 8gb Set, something like this (Or something close to this if it isn't avalible in australia)

Don't Forget to add a Cpu cooler. Lastly, if it fits your budget go with a 128gb SDD and a 1tb Hard drive, You'll be amazing with loading/boot times :D

This is what you should be looking at:

ASRock Z77 Extreme4 Motherboard

Intel Core i5 3570K

Sapphire Radeon HD7970 3GB OC Edition with Boost 

Corsair Vengeance CML8GX3M2A1600C9 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3

Corsair Carbide 200R Compact ATX Case

Corsair CX-600 V3 Power Supply

Samsung 840 Series 120GB SSD Retail Box

Western Digital WD Blue 1TB WD10EZEX

Lite-On IHAS324 24x DVDRW


Total Build cost: $1223!!!

* CPU is good for the $

* Mobo is good for the $ too

* RAM is good and fast and has LOW PROFILE heat spreaders, so you can add any aftermarket CPU HSF that you like.

* GPU is much better than the 7950

* Case is one of the better ones for the $.

* PSU should be fine for this build and then some.

* SSD is good to have to snappiness in and around the OS, games, apps.

* HD is big enough to store data on and if you need bigger just buy it.

* DVD is good.

Sorry links weren't working :(