[NONE LEFT] Free DOTA 2 Keys [First Post]

Hello everyone! I just joined the community here and I'd like to contribute something. I saw that there was another post about this already but I didn't think anyone would mind free stuff.


I have 4 DOTA 2 keys to give away. No contests or gimics or anything like that. Just reply below and I'll hook you up.

EDIT: Add 'komatag' on steam and send me a message. That'll make this much easier.

EDIT 2: All gone! Sorry! - 3/3/13



I want one!!

Add me on Steam - komatag

Me! I'm getting a new PC and would love to play DayZ with friends, add me on Steam: Rum4ce

Just sent you a friend request, Roemer!

Accepted! Thanks!

id rly love one! Steam:ItsUrilla


Sent you a request.

96downlu plz

Added and delivered. 

Sweet! Got the last one, thanks man.