Hi guys, I'm planning on doing a new PC, and I really, really don't want to overclock, and also, I want to have an i5 minimum because sometimes I need a decent processor and AMD I don't even want to think about AMD. I already have the OS and the Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, etc... Any help is appreciated.
What is your primary needs to require a I5?
Gaming rendering editing web movies
What do you use the pc the most for?
I use it for everything you've said.
I would go AMD FX for the $700 price range. You can get an 8350 which will perform as well as an i5. Good luck!
For rendering and editing for a $700 build
I'd got 4.65ghz oc 760k or fx 8350(which is the same price as a I5)
4690 is the best I5 non k part, but you will pay the price for a 1150 platform. Which will force you to slack on other components. Look at my school gaming build.
But being you're Intel die hard.
4690 i5 or Xeon I7 would probably be what you want. Just remember you're spending more for team blue.
Well, since you don't like amd so much, I suppose it's Intel for the CPU. Are you ok with AMD video cards(aka ATI)?