Nokia Lumia 920

Is anyone else excited about the Lumia 920? I think it is a pretty sweet device and would love to have it, but being dirt poor is not helping.

Anyways, let me know what you guys think.

I am really excited for it. Too bad I just got my Lumia 900 before they announced the windows 8 phones tho

wish it was on other carriers :/

It's an amazing device. I'm not sure why they went with the AT&T exclusive.
The Windows Phone OS definitely diserves more respect though. People don't come because of the lack of apps. Developers don't develop apps because of the lack of people. Sad.

may get it as soon as my current one dies

it just wont die >.<

Currently have a HTC 8X and i have to say the lack of apps is a bit of exaggerated. There are plenty of apps and when an app isn't there there is a good alternative for it. And example: youtube -> metro tube. Goolge maps -> gMaps or nokia drive on the 920

i sooooo want the lumia 920. i'm a bit frustrated because a got 710 literally 2 weeks before wp8 came out. grrrrrrrr


The main problem is the lack of Google apps. No Youtube, no Translate, no Search, no Google Maps. Nothing. Just Bing crap.

I have the Nokia Lumia 822. WP8 is amazing.

I want the Lumia 928.  Maybe I will be able to afford it when my contract is up.

Currently using the 620 and have been for a few months, The issues I have with the phone is in the unlock screen when you turn it on, it freezes taking a lot of effort to unlock it. All you have to do to fix it is to just lock and unlock it again to fix it. I believe the 620 also has an issue with the vibrator, it would just start vibrating randomly and wouldn't stop until the battery ran out or was pulled out. I sent it back to the store and they fixed it up.

Apart from that, great phone! The screen looks much better than my friend's HTC One and S4 screens and it runs just as smooth if not smoother.

I doubt the 920 is worth the money in comparison to the 820 and below, it was probably only worth getting the 920 when they included the wireless charging pad. If you're interested in photography however, the 1020 might be nice.

Good luck.

Windows Phones are a good deal in regions where Google services are crap, like in Europe for instance, because in Europe, you get all the Google spamming and G+ coercion and the complete Google disrespect of privacy rights and cultural specificity, but you don't get the services that the US consumers get in return for that, Google Now is VERY limited, and often doesn't work, Android is very chaotic to set up safely and it's completely non-transparent for users that are not at least higher intermediate level linux savvy and root their phones and customize the software, and the devices cost way too much for the open source software they are based on and the huge data mining and advertising revenue they generate for Google.

Nokia is actually much wiser, the devices are cheap, and they are getting cheaper all the time. Windows Mobile is crap, but at least it can be configured by any user pretty safely, and most crucial functionality just works, and that includes the much better offline navigation from Nokia, whereas the Google Navigation doesn't work offline and absolutely sucks in the dense road situation in Europe. Google Navigation is just the stupidest concept ever: speed trap warnings are not provided by Google Navigation, but instead you can't read the name of the road you're on because of all the commercial spamming for restaurants and stuff in the neighbourhood. How completely insane is that? Also the automatic zooming and panning function is just beyond annoying, there is no speed warning or indication functionality, there is no timer for curves, it's impossible to anticipate a curve with the stupid graphical representation in Google Navigation, it's just a pile of steaming crap, and navigation is probably one of the most important functions on a smartphone. Often, Google Navigation and Google Now return an error when you enter a destination while already travelling and not on a static network, traffic information is crap, etc... it's not just unusable in real life situations, it's also absolutely nerve wrecking because of all the commercial spam and the data mining and privacy invading coercion that Google does all the time. On a Nokia Windows Mobile phone, navigation works pretty well, although it doesn't have the same functionality as open source navigation apps, and in general, the Windows Phone doesn't spam and violate half as much as Google Apps.

However, there are alternatives. Before, I used an Android phone without GApps. That works perfectly fine, and you can get all the applications you need from other sources than the PlayStore. What remains, is that it takes a lot of work to configure the phone for safe and comfortable use. I'm using a Jolla phone now, and that has all the benefits and none of the downsides. It's open source, it's not data mining or privacy violating out of the box, all Android Apps work on it (including excellent open source offline navigation and excellent push email clients and office suites, all of which are available from F-Droid or Yandex or whatever other less-vomit-inducing-than-the-PlayStore app repos there are), and the user interaction with the phone is much better than anything else, because it's not chaotic as Android, and requires less movements and steps than Windows Mobile, whilst having the same functionality as Android (because Windows Mobile has very limited functionality in comparison), and a new level of transparency that Android or Windows Mobile users could only dream of. Downside of the Jolla phone is that it's relatively expensive for the hardware specs, but for the specs, the performance is better than Android, so the user experience of a 400 EUR Jolla phone is the same as for a 400 EUR Android phone.

For low budget phone users, there are 25 EUR FirefoxOS phones coming out, that will outperform low budget Android phones and Windows Mobile phones and offer the transparency benefit of Mozilla software, and I expect that these phones will probably make budget Android phones (50-150 EUR) pointless in Europe. Business users might also benefit from not grabbing a Windows Phone because the Windows Mobile environment doesn't support the most current open source document formats or linux network functionality. Using a Windows Phone feels a lot like using an old Symbian smartphone, it's less complicated and in comparison to Symbian it's faster, but it's also very limited in functionality in comparison to SailfishOS or a rooted Android phone.

For a European user that mainly wants to consume media content on their phone, it makes sense to me to buy a Nokia Windows Phone over an Android phone. For a European user that wants smartphone connectivity on a non-professional level, I would think that FirefoxOS phones are a better choice though, and for business users and enthusiasts, I would definitely recommend a Jolla phone over anything else.

The sad thing is that Android was such a great idea, but Google had to abuse it, and now, less capable phones are a better choice just because Android has become a liability and a huge nuisance, and are hugely overpriced. How does Google see the concept of selling Android phones, that are based on open source software, for a higher price than corresponding Windows Mobile phones, which are based on proprietary commercial software? A true mystery!

I'm waiting for Jolla to be released in Singapore.Or the Sailfish OS,at the very least if the TPTB don't bring in the Jolla phone. Currently using a Lumia 900 where. Definitely not as pervasive as Google is. Plus its refreshing to use a Windows Phone in the sea of Apples and Samsungs

Zoltan,perhaps you have read this article?I don't know but it might just explain the thought behind price discrepency

Yup, pretty much everything in that article is correct, plus, Google prohibits carriers from accepting devices like the Jolla because they circumvent Google Apps. Jolla is not available on any carrier in the world, it's compatible with all networks, but it can only be a user-owned device.

Jolla uses a linux kernel, and has made a Dalvik-like layer that runs as a container, and that enables Android apps to run. Some Android apps can only be side-loaded, they run perfectly fine, but Jolla can't access the PlayStore, and alternative Android-repos can't offer some Google-only apps. The weak point is that it's really easy to find the apk's for those apps, and it's also easy to side-load them.

In the EU, Google has extra settings that allow users to disable the GApps functions that are contrary to EU privacy and human rights, and because of that, if you disable the Google privacy access, that is noted on your account on the PlayStore, and you loose compatibility of some apps with some devices, so even when you have GApps installed on a standard completely official Android device, but opt out of the illegal practices that Google forces down your throat, you have to side-load some applications or get them from an alternative source. The problem that Google, Microsoft and other US corporations have, is that they are not in touch with non-US legal and moral cultures. In the US, what is perceived as "clever marketing", is perceived as "compulsive lies" or "fraud" in other parts of the world. The US still is the Wild West in many aspects, and that attitude doesn't always work in the long run in other parts of the world. Jolla works just fine with the Yandex app store, and with F-Droid, which is the open-source-only android app store, and since Yandex is very popular in Russia, I think that Jolla will sell really well there. Jolla is also going to release SailfishOS as a download, so that people with an Android phone can flash it onto their phones. That will also boost the popularity of SailfishOS, and through that, of Jolla. Another bonus of Jolla phones is that they have released an open source development kit for the hardware expansion connector (the "other half"), and I think that a lot of businesses will be very interested in that feature, as it allows for much better integration and expansion of Jolla phones in comparison to any other product that is available. For enthusiasts, it makes the Jolla phone into a no-brainer, because there isn't any other phone available that offers the same functionality because of that hardware expansion connector: want to use your phone as a Robot controller... voilà, want to hook up your phone to a gaming interface dock... voilà... the possibilities are endless. I was used to F-Droid and side-loading apps for a while because I didn't use GApps on my previous Android phones, so it was really easy for me to use the Android apps that I used before on Android on Jolla, but of course, it's not as simple as that for many other people, since they might want to use a Jolla on an Android-specific contract, that blocks mobile data access to F-Droid or Yandex, so they can only download apps via Wi-Fi for instance. Subsidized contracts are never a good idea, because they also block VOIP over mobile data for instance. I still have my contract since way before subsidized phones were even legalized, so I don't have any limitations whatsoever, but it's getting hard to find such contracts, unless for people that don't mind pre-paid contracts, those are also functionally free. As pre-paid contracts become more popular, people will automatically use their phones in another way, and they will automatically move to phones with a less constrictive and more open operating system.

I've got an android tablet and i can't even bear to look at the apps on the Google Store.The amount of access apps want is just mind-boggling.Not to mention downright sick.Just using that tablet as a video player.No more,no less.

Sorry,not that familiar with Dalvik but i'm assuming it runs somewhat as a sandbox environment where apps can access anything that is in the sandbox and nothing else.Am i somewhat right or have i completely missed the point?

Well,the EU has regulations that enforce corporations to clean up their shit.Or at the very least,act like they're cleaning up the shit.

I can't speak for the rest of the world but i can speak for Singapore,i think. The "clever marketing" does carry over here but noone ever thinks about how they're being screwed over.The culture here helps the corporations continue to be insidious.And most people here continue with their lives with nary a worry.Maybe apathy would be a more apt word.If they do know,they all fall under the "i can live with it" mindset.Sure,there are some of us who take offense at all this crap. But frankly it's appalling that my fellow countrymen can be this oblivious. Should i try to educate them,i get the deal-with-it looks and stares.Like Wendell said in a video, i think they see me as nutjob(Tin-foil hat is an alien concept here.Might as well be speaking Latin to them).

I'm mostly interested in Sailfish OS due to the fact that it can be flashed over Android. All cellphones that are "permissible" for use here usually go though a check by the local telcom regulatory board for compliance. If this board doesn't like the phone,the phone can't be brought in.So it's either a parallel import or get another phone. The only phone that i will stick with for now is MS and that's because i perceive them to be the least evil as far as mobile OS goes. With this in mind,i would rather get a relatively inexpensive android phone and flash over Sailfish once it's available to the public.


By subsidized contracts,are you referring to phones that have the price subsidized when getting a new line/contract?If that's what you meant,that is all where here. Or rather,contracts here are usually 12 or 24 month,with phone or no. Most people just get a phone when they re-contract since they might as well can.

I'd rather have a prepaid as it is a much better option but data rates on prepaid are exorbitant.