I am changing out the stock cooler on my i7 and i got the opportunity too buy a used noctua or h60 cpu cooler. I will mount one of them in my define r4. Witch one is the most quiet? what is the most efficent?
I am changing out the stock cooler on my i7 and i got the opportunity too buy a used noctua or h60 cpu cooler. I will mount one of them in my define r4. Witch one is the most quiet? what is the most efficent?
I would go for the noctua if it isnt damaged, the reason being that it will cool better than H60 and most likely be more quiet. Since the noctua is used you should clean it from dust, and termalpaste.
The Noctua is awesome. Whereas, I don't hear some many good things about the H60. It doesn't begin to compare to its bigger siblings, the H80 and H100
Thanks, he claims the noctua is in mint condition so i guess ill go for that one. I use noctua as all other fans so i guess it matches the rest.
Definitely the Noctua