No Windows 10 updates with OpenVPN

Has anyone else noticed that (at least for me) there are no Windows 10 updates when OpenVPN is running? In order to receive updates, I have to manually disable my VPN connection. If it is running, W10 reports that there are no updates available or displays some error message, which I’ve forgotten.

Anyway, do you know what’s causing this issue and how to disable it? To be honest, I’m rather satasfied to be able to determine the time Windows installs updates, but I’d still like to know what’s causing this.

it may be treating the VPN as a metered connection? I think theres a setting for if windows will update over metered connections.


What version of WIndows 10 are you using. 1507 and 1511 are unsupported and won’t be receiving many updates.


@Adubs Shouldn’t on metered connection be some kind of button that says: “Install updates anyway”?

@Novasty I’ll have to check tomorrow. That being said, I receive updates normally as soon as the VPN is turned off.

I’m not sure I usually dont run my VPN for longer than it takes for my torrent to complete. You’re saying you cant even manually start the downloads when connected as well? or at least they dont show up at all when connected to even start downloading?

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The updates either don’t show up at all, or I get some error code which I’ve forgotten. These days, they just don’t show up. As soon as I disable my VPN connection they are available again.

I’m not affected by this, but I’d be interested to see if a router-level VPN has the same result.

I wouldn’t put it past Microsoft to ban known IPs of VPN providers from downloading updates.

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Well, this does sound like a Microsoft feature…

That being said, I assume my server’s IP is not really known, since it is just a server VM where I’ve installed OpenVPN. Ths, it’s not a real VPN provider.

Something goofy is going on there then. Not a metered connection issue. Are you connecting to your own personal VPN setup or a paid service? It might be they have blocked updates to mitigate some bandwidth usage.

Edit: I’m out of ideas then. Could be microshaft fuckery.

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That is definitely interesting. I wonder if Windows (the client in this transaction) is detecting OpenVPN running and just killing itself.

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I’m curious as well. It might be that Windows started to dislike VPNs. I’m wondering if it’s the same with Windows 10 Enterprise Edition.

When using VPN for business use, it’s normally Cisco NeverConnect™, in my experience.

They’re probably blocking OpenVPN because it’s normally used to hide your tracks and that sort of thing.

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It might just be that.

As a completely different note: When my VPN was quite new, I captured my traffic using Wireshark and noticed that Skype (which belongs to MS) ignores the VPN. This was interesting as well, since as far as I know this has to happen on the OS level. (Just like ignoring the hosts file)

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Reasons I don’t trust Windows to handle a VPN and do it on the network level. Try to get past my great wall now Windows!

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I still use PPTP cause im too lazy to actually set anything else up. One day I will but today is not that day.

It’s really easy if you’ve got a router that supports it, but I totally understand not having the time/being lazy. Why do you think I’m on L1T and not updating Confluence docs right now?

I dont want my whole network on the VPN, just one box. I tried setting something up with a DO droplet once but could never get the damn thing to connect. I tried pptpd, openvpn, etc. None of it seemed to want to work. I ended up just going for PIA which is much slower for me but works with everything.

Why doesn’t OpenVPN work on one machine work?

I guess it does (on PIA that is, couldnt figure out why it didnt on the droplet) but I figured since its a windows client I would just use the built in one. I dont really care if windows stuff goes out on my public IP so long as my torrent traffic is buried so my ISP doesnt shit themselves, which they have done in the past. AFAIK split tunneling on 10 doesnt matter if its the built in client or openvpn. 10 just doesnt give a shit.

I want to move to linux, but I also want to not have to spend hours tinkering to get my games to run right, or media playback to be as smooth. Also im team green and the drivers in linux leave something to be desired.

Ok, thanks for clarifying that.

If Windows is doing this VPN thing on purpose I’m wondering what they gain from it though…