So what gives with both acer and asus both adding red leds to their best ips monitors?
My build is green + black, however Asus has red ROG logos on it, as well as Acer and their predator logo. I dont want to have to modify my monitor.
Is there any way i can turn these leds off?
It feels like a huge oversight to force a color scheme onto consumers on their best monitor. Did they really not have the budget to add rgb to the leds? Im so triggered by this T_T
There are non gaming versions of those monitors out on the market. The non gaming ones exclude the LED'S.
I am not sure if Asus/Acer include anything in their software to turn off the LED's. You could try and see if someone reviewed the monitor and see if they turned them off, or said anything about them being able to be turned off.
Thanks for the input.
I'm puting my findings here so that maybe other's could see it.
The lights can be turned off in the monitor menu. So thats one way. The other is...
The ring is an acrylic piece colored red. The LED is white. So one could theoretically 3D print a new ring in the proper color OR find a suitable way to repaint the old acrylic while letting the light shine through.
I wonder if sanding it down to remove the paint and then repainting with a light and glossy coat would be a good route.
Either way, i have found a way to live with the gorgeous monitor. Brb, gonna go pull the trigger.