Hi forum,
I have installed a new motherboard (990fxa-ud3) and a new graphics card (Asus Strix 970). After rebuilding the computer, no image is displaying on the monitor even with everything plugged in and turning on. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Not sure if this is your problem , but this is the problem i've had with that (still dealing with actually)
My motherboards BIOS was out of date for my Pentium g3258 on my H81M-e motherboard
Called up Asus and they told me that i needed to buy another processor to update my motherboard since I don't have a bootable drive option on the motherboard apparently.
Hopefully this may help you or someone else who might be sharing similar issues
After doing some research, it does seem like this is the problem I am having. I can't get the system to make it to the BIOS, so I have no way of flashing the update.
Depending on the bios manufacturer, you can force flash your BIOS. usually, it involves formatting a USB stick to fat32, putting the relevant BIOS file in the root directory of the usb drive, then holding ctrl + esc on the keyboard when pressing the power button. that is the procedure for phoenix bios.
NOTE: you MUST name the bios file to the model of your systemboard. it may not be as its written on the box, and you might have to contact technical support... but in my experience hardware manufacturers typically point blank deny that this is even possible... but i can tell you it absolutely is.
also, when you hit the power on button, does it beep at all? are there any flashing lights?? (ie hdd activity, rom drive). have you tried booting with out the gfx card or any hdd's and just 1 stick of ram??
Every fan spins, tried multiple graphics cards, tried different RAM configurations, power light turns on. No video output, or USB output. Since USBs don't work, I have no way of getting getting it to flash a BIOS. To my knowledge at least.
Which revision of this particular Gigabyte board are we talking about?
And which cpu ?