- GNU/Linux distros are based upon the Linux kernel. The Linux kernel ensures the hardware compatibility. Samsung is actually a major linux kernel contributor, because they shell out a lot of hardware. Samsung has no interest in providing closed source hardware compatibility only, they have stopped selling x86 hardware in several markets (like the entire EU for instance), and focus on linux-based computing hardware (Android and Tizen are but linux distros after all). The GNU/GPL licensing of the linux kernel, prevents anything based on the linux kernel being closed source, unlike for instance BSD, which is used by Apple to provide a mainly closed source OSX and iOS operating system.
- There are much more "average consumers" that know how to use linux distros than there are average consumers that know how to use Windows. There are over 2 million linux devices for personal computing purposes activated every single day. In comparison to the market penetration of linux as a whole (including cars, alarm systems, medical equipment, household appliances, multimedia devices like smart TV's, PVR's and settop boxes, parking meters, energy control devices, access control systems, HVAC control units, etc etc etc... which all run on linux), the market penetration of Windows is almost non-existing. The difference is that linux - because it's open source - provides such a broad scale of completely customized super easy to use applications, that people don't even notice it's there, because the user interface is so incredibly intuitive and reliable. People already know how to use linux as soon as they know how to make a phone call, put empty bottles into a caution calculating bottle recycler, or use an elevator. That is the strength of open source and linux, people just automatically learn it without having to struggle with anything, even without knowing what exactly they are using.
- Security in linux goes much further than first line of defense stuff. In open source, bugs are taken very seriously, they're given names like hurricanes in meteorology, they're patched in mere hours, etc... BUT... most of these bugs, like Heartbleed or now Shellshock, pose a very low to non-existing security risk in real life, because there are multiple lines of defense in linux, and the chance of even getting root access through a leak in an application enabling anyone to do real damage, are really small, because they also have to pass the firewall or get local access, and they also have to get through the MAC and RBAC of the linux system, which is much easier said than done. It has been proven that even on a completely unconfigured and fully exposed system, Shellshock couldn't do any damage to a system that was running SELinux or Tomoyo or GRSec. On top of that, Shellshock is only relevant in exposed systems (read: public access servers), and most of those these days are entirely virtualized setups, where - even if you get in an can execute a malicious payload - the net result of the operation will be very thin or non existing, and it's much more dangerous to even try something against a linux server, because all the tools are there for network forensics, leaving a VERY small window of opportunity for attackers, and early detection and attack analysis almost always leads to early detection and identification. Notwithstanding all that, the open source community isn't complacent at all with that in mind, they take every single bug or possible attack vector these bugs might created, very seriously, and everything is always out in the open, there is no way to hide anything, and every bit of code has the name of the developer and maintainer on it, so there is no way to hide...
- The only thing that poses a relatively real security risk in linux, is the speed of the evolution. Linux evolves at such a murderous pace, that beta software - even though exponentially more secure than even the most stable closed source products - should only be used in a secure environment, by people that know what they're doing. This is well documented, the repos for development stage software are kept separate, and there are clear warnings in the documentation provided with these development stage software packages, and here also, the more people that use it and parttake in the testing, the better the debugging.