No one in their right mind would visit Fnlnd in January

So there’s this annual DefCon-like event happening in mid January in Helsinki, and I’m just throwing this out here; Anyone in/near the nordics interested in attending? It’s 50€ for a ticket.

Also as a sidenote - there’s a link to their puzzle on the website if anyone feels like playing.


Looks like a return flight would be about £100 from London, so not too expensive. Tempting.

Forgot about this thread, I was super drunk when I posted this lol.
Yeah London is only 3 hours away so it’s not all too expensive. :slightly_smiling_face:
IF you find yourself here, I’ll heat up a sauna for you. :wink:

Also I was super drunk yesterday and randomly remembered this thread, so I went ahead and bought myself a ticket… lol again at being drunk :rofl:
Anywho, HYPE! :grin:

I was planning to celebrate new years eve in Helsinki, but scrapped it and went for Vienna instead.

Sorry Finland.

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Past few new years have been warm and cant see the sky really, as if its the rockets which are causing that foggy weather, and it has slowly creeped to be a thing kinda like light pollution

We will see, I’d like to have one of those clear, crispy, and pretty harsh winter nights, and then big rockets

Dont really care about the event but can come say hi, I live like hour away

@anon46267848 I don’t blame you, there’s really not much to see here, plus it’s cold and dark lol.

@anon25377527 Come share a drink or twenty. :grin:

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