No Internet on Fresh Windows 8.1 Install

Cannot reset for some reason even though I'm using admin.

Did you try what I replied?

Also are other device there able to get online without any issue?

netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip resest
ipconfig /flushdns

The above I did try and it failed. Rebooted my PC to find it still the same.

what error message do you get when trying what walter said

ipconfig /release && ipconfig /renew

That will release and renew your IP address.
Then try pinging again.
If it is still being weird might be your router. Maybe.
Give your router a reboot and try again.

Hope that helps.

Sadly it hasn't worked Walter.

Ok awesome. It liked the commands.
After you do the netsh commands you do need to reboot your PC in order for it to work.

EDIT: Did you reboot your PC though?

Indeed I did. Still a no go.

I assume other device are able to get online ok?
Also have you tried giving your router a hard reboot?

Yes, I'm answering on my laptop. I'm a college student so I don't have a router in my room. All I have is an Ethernet port in the wall which I have plugged and unplugged for varying degrees of time.

Ohhh. Ok.
Do you have any AntiVirus installed?
If so get rid of it or turn it off then try.

if you dont have any control over the network... you seriously need to just not use windows 8.1... its a shitty solution but ive gone through this same problem with three of my own computers and have never found a better solution then just upgrading to windows 10 or using linux.

It's a fresh install of Windows...

There's nothing on it.

Can't even activate it because of the lack of internet.

Quite honestly now, I am stump on what the issue is.
I'd try reinstalling but only if you are up to doing that and see where that takes you.

Might just do that tomorrow since it past 10pm ET where I am. Got to get some sleep for classes tomorrow. Thanks for all the help!

well now we can get creative. on your phone, download a linux image then connect to your computer, and image a flash drive which you can image the computer with. I am very curious to see if you can connect to the internet through linux as opposed to windows 8

where do you go to school? you are in my time zone.

Don't have the time today. Have class tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion.