Building a computer for minecraft so my brother and wondering if I used just a i5 4690k would it be sufficient for minecraft until he wanted to add a GPU at a later time? Saw the igpu in the 4690k running minecraft at 125fps without recording. 

really depends on the settings you use in minecraft, at normal or slightly shorter draw distance you should be able to keep 30+ fps but i doubt youll be getting 125fps until you can get a proper gpu along with it. Is the rest of the pc pretty decent, i know i usually like to get better parts and save up rather than buy ok parts all right now, just wondering what is already bought and what is planned

minecraft is primary CPU intensive.

If you don't run shaders or any heavy mods, the 4690k should handle minecraft quite well :)

nothing is bought but i had planned to get a g3258 and overclock the hell out of it with a r9 280 then eventually buy the 4690k but i'm not sure if i want to buy twice for the cpu even though its only $60. Since i primarily play minecraft i didn't think it would be a huge deal to get the 4690k now without a gpu then in a couple months grab a 980. Coming from playing on a core i3 laptop anything is better.

Don't expect amazing frame rates, but it should be playable.  As stated, minecraft is incredibly cpu intensive - overclocking the cpu should help a lot.