Hi, I just put together a build for the first time in a long time.....and I am having a problem. Whenever I boot up the computer, all the fans start spinning except for the graphics card fan and I get no display. Strangely, I get no display from the integrated graphics either. I don't think my monitor is to blame, as it works with other machines. What is wrong, the CPU? Normally I would think video card but the integrated doesn't work either. Did i fry the motherboard?
Here are the basic specs
i3 2100
His Radeon HD 7850
Asrock B75m-BGS
Corshair 500 Watt PSU
8gb corsair ram.
It looks like I am going to have to start RMAing things, but I don't know the exact source of the problem. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. It would help alot. Thanks so much!
Verify you have all the required power plugs in place (including ones for the GPU) and that the memory and videocard are firmly set in their place. Could additionally try removing one stick of RAM and trying to boot, then trying the other, though this wouldn't explain why the videocard fans are not working. Did you try the integrated graphics with the graphics card removed from the computer?
The fact that the video card fan isn't spinning makes me think its either the graphics card, motherboard, or PSU, those would be the most likely cuprits if something was faulty.
Yes, I tried the integrated video with the disrete care removed. All the cables are plugged in. The next thing I could try would be ram, but would that really cause no picture to show on the monnitor? I know it can cause blue-screens and crashes, but I didn't think not showing a picture was a possibility.
If one of the sticks is completely shot, it can prevent the system from posting
That said, still doesn't explain the graphic card fan issue.
Ah, well It I don't know wether or not it posts at all, the monitor is showing zero feedback, saying it is receiving nothing and I should check the cables.
UPDATE: I tested each ram stick and the problem still presists. Still no picture on monitor. Really confusing to me, I've never had this problem.
You can plug in your motherboard speaker if it beeps then it is past the post, hope this helps somehow.
CPU's being DOA is nearly unheard of, its probably your mobo
Have you taken a multi metre and checked the actual power out from each connection from your power supply?
Just remember if it's not build-a-PC-related problems, post it in Other Hardware. I've moved this thread