No contest/raffle winners?

Well the winners for bioshock inf, crysis 3 and Trine 2 were supposed to be annoced today on april 15th. Mitch even said there would be a post about it in 4 hours (now about/over 8 hours) and theres been no post saying whats going on?



Dude, you seriously are mr. negative. The shares and entries have already been calculated. Logan said that he will make the announcement. This way it is more official and we can raise more awareness for what we are doing.

Honestly, i dont really see the point of this post. We have the games to give away and me and some of the other admins spent about 8 hours on sunday night putting everyone's stuff into a speadsheet. There will obviously be an announcement regarding the winners soon.


Logan is now handling the announcement while the team focuses on getting things ready for the next giveaway. I have already sent him the games to send out to the winners so it is out of my hands now.

Once again, we are no longer running the announcements for giveaways, it is now all Logan, we now only handle getting new miners set up to join the contests and do all the spreadsheet work so that Logan can focus on the regular content that him and the team make.

Well, on behalf of the people that do appreciate the hard work that you guys put into arranging this:

Thank you.

You're welcome. It is thanks to the peple that do all the mining that this whole thing is possible :)

There was a lack of communication from anyone on the mining team. There's been multiple posts saying winners will be chosen on april 15th, then Mitch writes a posting saying there will be a new post in 4 hours about it and nothing happens.

I will say I am sorry for being snippy at the person who said they'll give their humble indie bundle games into the mining pool prizes. However this topic was just out of concern and not anger, I assure you of that.


I've kinda been on edge today after seeing so many people cry over the boston bombings but at the same time completly ignore civillians in Syria getting oblierated by their own government. Yeah the boston bombings today were horrible but it could of easily been worse, a lot worse.

I appologise for the inconsistancies. Mich was a bit out of the loop as he missed a part of the last meeting the team had with Logan.

Okay, thanks for clearing it up. :D