A wild guess here. Windows 10 had started using Hyper-V for all kinds of security enforcement. So even if it seems you aren’t running it, you might be anyway.
Virtualbox should have warned you, I think? But it might be running in a nested hypervisor mode (as a VM inside a VM).
Check your security settings. I think there’s some things like “Core Isolation” and “Memory Integrity”
I have a windows 10 machine that has hyper-v off and is running 64 bit VMs just fine.
What may be happening is that your windows 10 home has hyper-v on, but only for the security features, but the access to hyper-v for running VMs is off( since pro or better is needed). So then virtualbox is limited to 32bit since it cannot access virtualization from the CPU directly due to hyper-v being on, but also cannot access Hyper-v for virtualization.