Here where, i need to extra input on here are my full editing, create software, and working programs! I plan to use with window 10 and linux emulator machine!
Blender 2.7, unity 4.7.9, Manga Studio ex 4.0, Anime Studio debut, Source Filimaker, Motion Artist , Gimp 2
window movie maker 2, Note pad++, GDL 2, Sony veges 5 or Lightworks 64, Audaclty, LMMS, Ardour, MAXX, spek,
sweet home 3D, Sketch up BRD-cad ,free cad 3D, ink sacpe, syfing ,Tupi , Front Fage, Cineierra, uRaw, ,
Cinelerra , Scribus, Photo Rec, digiKam ,Green Shot. Office 360, word 2014 and Any vedio converter.
Now for the video games: Video games:Genre's type I play (simulator ,arcade and simulator /arcade )Racing car , Action games combat fight, action Mecha, action adventure games ,MMORPs, RPGS , fight, open world, ,space action ,strategy , fighting ,3rd or first person shooters games and platforms.
Star ciztien, Team Fortress 2, DCS world, Need for speed 2015
emulator for ps2, Dreamcast, N64 Datytona USA 2 room.
and lot older games at lest from the 90's-2012. And news from 2013 and up.
1080p gaming with on Samsung S27C650P 60Hz 27.0" One Monitor