Nikon D5200 VS. Canon T5i (700D)

Hello everyone...
for a while now i have been looking into a good DSLR for nature,landscape,a little video, and macro photography.
My two cameras that i have been looking at are the nikon d5200 and the canon t5i. im wondering which one would be best for both image quality and built quality. my budget is around $700-$750 CAD for the whole thing, not just the body. im also welcome to any other suggestions you might have.

I myself have the Canon T5. Not sure what the T5i has thats better. But the T5 is a fair bit cheaper and it does a great job with pictures. Very nice camera and great build quality. I dont have experaince with that specific Nikon, but I did have a Nikon DSLR a few years back and did not like it at all. Much harder to us to get what you wanted compared to my Canon. But maybe thats changed in the last few years. Are you planning on getting the macro lens right away? cause a to get a good one for the Canon can run ya 500$

not right away, i was thinking at around Christmas. also from what i've heard the t5i is the same as the t4i but a slightly better tweak to the sensor and im also leaning towards nikon for their prices

Nikon is cheaper. But I really think you will like how much eisier the canon is to use. The thing I hated about the Nikon was when I needed to take a picture right away and it would take to long to change the proper setting on the nikon and the moment was gone. My canon is alot better for that kind of stuff

no matter what camera you get you're still going to have to change the settings

Thats not what i mean. As I said the canon is alot easier to switch settings around on the fly. Just my 2 cents....take it as you will.


Either of the cameras can give you great results, I have a D5200 and would happily recommend one. If possible try and get your hands on each and see which snuggles into your hand the easiest :-)

Something to consider is that the nikon option will support a waaaayyyy wider range of lenses.

ya, that's one of the reasons that i was leaning further towards the Nikon

but are that canon lenses higher quality or are they on par with nikon?

Even if they aren't, in the future better nikon lenses might get released to compete and then because nikon barely ever change their lens mounting you'll be able to use them still...

Build quality wise with nikon you can get some super old lenses that'll work on modern bodies. I've got a metal bodied 50mm F/2 that's older than I am, doesn't communicate with the body (so I've no exposure meter and it's manual focus only) albeit but I don't use any of those features anyway, that's sorta specific to my use case scenario though.

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This is worth a watch.

both Canon and Nikon are good brands and make low to hi end lenses but Nikon have more mid range, affordable choices. Lots of info on the YouTube regarding the subject.
I went Nikon because I know a few other Nikon shooters who I can borrow/ swap lenses with.

i have the older 5100, i picked that one cause it had the same sensor the then current flag ship model the D700. just with less features but still taking the same quality pictures. not sure if that's the case with canon.

what about the Olympus OM-D E-M10 mirror less camers?

I remember looking into Canon vs Nikon a short while ago when looking for my DSLR and even a short time afterwards. There is no overall "better" choice between the two manufacturers, it just comes down to what people have ended up picking due to recommendations, price, etc. For all intents and purposes, treat the two cameras as being made by the manufacturer because you're going to get a ton of options either way.

I personally went with a Nikon D5100 because it gave me the best bang for the buck as the package that I went for gave me two lenses - the standard 18-55 and an entry-level 55-300, both Nikor. It was very new to the market at the time and the pictures were on-par with the D7000 for image quality. I couldn't get a deal quite so good with Canon but, if I had, it may have been down to a coin toss.

One of the biggest draws to Nikon at the moment is that they currently have their summer cashback promo (not sure if that's a UK promo though).

ya i don't think that's in Canada, or at least oi haven't seen anything for it

I have T3i, and quite pleased with it. I dont think 5200 has the focusing motor, so you would have no chance with older nikon lenses. I think canon has more options, in lenses especially for nature photographers, but they generally are insanely expensive ones(at least for me).

I dont know much about nature photography, but I watched this sometime ago, maybe it inspires you too:

Of the two the D5200 in my opinion comes out on top on specification. Its sensor is better, it has slightly better features. The canons UI is arguably a little easier to use though.

I have a D5300 and I really like it. I got it partly due to the better sensor in that price range and that the d5300 has no low pass filter (I use it for astro photography as well so its useful)

The mid ranged DSLRs from Nikon dont have an autofocus motor built in as @ItsaDamnFineNick mentioned, however almost all Nikon lenses come with an auto-focus motor built in, youll only find that old lenses don't have them so its really not an issue.

Nikon lenses are quite good as well, and on par with Canon, the youtube channel @ItsaDamnFineNick linked to actual has some comparisons and one of their videos does mention that Canon have a great high end lenses (i think a somthing-400mm) that is sharp to the edges at 400 which is better over Nikons current offerings, but that may change and not likely something you'll hit as a problem.

I would say go for the Nikon, there well prices, they have good lenses (I love my 50mm 1.4g).


The best thing you can do is go in to a shop and try them. Consider your going to probably stick with a brand for a good amount of time (unless you get more than one camera) so wha you really want is something you feel better using, something that you find good to hold.


No, you can still use them, just without the autofocus.