Niffelheim, Sidescrolling Nordic/Viking game with Skyrim Mechanics

Came across the trailers for this game on Gamespots Video Games Trailer YouTube Page.

Looks awesome, some great, classic 2d art, side scrolling. Made by some Russians, here is a synopsis from the about page of their website:

Their YouTube Trailers:

Their Website:

Small interview here:

2D Unity game Niffelheim Wants to Blend Skyrim and Terraria

I just love the concept, like an in-depth side scroller, love vikings, LOVE the fact they are working in CO-Op, crafting and base building (farms etc) and random generated dungeons/levels. Seems like a pseudo sim game i.e. the Skyrim'ish parts. And the art is just awesome. I could just screenshot a frame and use it for my desktop background. I love vikings and barbarians and a pseudo side scrolling viking Skyrim just seems freaking awesome.

Anyway, this game seems to have gone totally under the wire. The youTube previews look awesome, though a concern after seeing them is combat looked a bit weak, but this is a very early preview. Kind of dismayed that I am the only westerner that seems really excited. Thought you guys might cover this in an episode of Tek Syndicate in Games at the end. (The only Tech show I watch from beginning to end).