Glad to hear another inbox coming up. Many seem to have been missing them. Here are some questions to pick and choose from.
A) When gaming with modern NIC's like the last few generations of onboard Intel chips, have you found any reason to tweak the driver settings to improve performance in any situations? (like for instance the RSS and/or Interrupt Moderation)
B) More for Wendell, has adding TPM modules to a build been a "thing" in the business sector lately or is everyone and his uncle going for pure software options these days. (more interested in the practice of using that option or not, than going very far into how much value that it brings to the security aspect)
C) How bad an idea could it be to have a modern _Windows_ box that would otherwise only be doing very light file server work, also act as the router in a small home network? Would it even be worth giving a try or should one just as well stick to using some half decent router? (just an idea born out of boredom)
Lastly, I know Josh is at the North American branch, but if Fractal Design could help you get to the Swedish DreamHack that would be awesome. Maybe we Swedes/Scandinavians should write to them to promote the idea?